Corporate site Orgpromstroy
LLC "Orgpromstroy" is the largest operator in the building materials market of the Republic of Belarus. For more than 5 years, it has been successfully supplying a wide range of building materials to the largest construction sites in the country.
LLC "Orgpromstroy" is part of the group of companies "OPS-group" engaged in the integrated supply of building materials in the Russian Federation and in the EU countries, as a result, we are ready to offer you professional service in these regions.
We were tasked with creating a new enterprise site.
The task is to display all the useful information about the company on the site.
At first, we prepared a concept idea for the main page of the new site. The concept idea consisted of a classic display of information regarding the company itself.

This option was accepted, but after a while, the tasks of the new site were revised.
So a new task appeared before us - the formation of a positive and image-based perception of the organization on the Internet.
Following it, the initial idea was modernized, under a new visual and successfully adopted by the company of the Customer.