Marketing Agency Website
Our company is very fond of helping other creative agencies with various interesting tasks. So the new project has become such.
We were contacted by the marketing agency RSM. The task they set us was not new - the creation of a new website for the company. A site where you can post their creative projects, where you can show your work and achievements.

Since the project of our Customer has creativity, the very implementation of such a site should not be inferior.
Having disassembled all the details of the project into its components, our development team prepared a detailed plan of all possible nuances awaiting us in this project and how they can be solved.
The Customer's reaction was not long in coming and we started to create this project.
The main stages of this project:
- Creation of Technical Documentation
- Designation of break points of the fron-end
- Development of software
- Testing the project

Each stage includes various sub-stages that are worked out by the entire team working on the project.
In the development of a new site for the marketing agency RSM, special animation effects of the site's navigation menu were developed.
In general, the product version of the site fully reflects the essence of the agency itself. And the most important thing is the positive emotions of the Customer.