VTV channel v2
In the support of cooperation with the VTV channel and the development of the v-tv.by project, we were given the task of creating the concept idea of a new site.
The main ** tasks ** of the new site:
- provide the viewer with the program of the BTV channel in a convenient form.
- give the opportunity to watch broadcast online.
- inform about current projects and latest news.
We tried to put together these tasks, as well as the corporate identity of the channel.

Other wishes for the site:
- Ability to insert YouTube videos into news and project descriptions
- Authorization on the site using network Vkontakte - in your account you can configure notifications about the release of a new series of the project, conduct discussions in the news. It will also allow attracting an audience to the Vkontakte group
- Block with video announcements of projects on the main page
- Delayed change of sliders, publication of news
- Support for animated banners