A very interesting and untypical project awaited us this time!
The WeSwim website was developed to achieve the following main goals that stood before it:
- Information about swimming tournaments.
- Sending an application for participation in the tournament.
- Keeping statistics on tournaments, swimmers.
- Tables of records and ratings (by seasons) of swimmers in tournaments.

In fact, this is a perfect project for a swimming federation, with all kinds of statistics and information on tournaments, teams and swimmers in the youth sports category.

This project can be of help for any type of competition and category of swimmers, as it includes full functionality for such purposes.
The project of this development provides for the integration of data on tournaments, athletes, results, records, etc. by loading data through xml files.
Why xml?
Based on the types of tournaments, the place of their holding and the category of athletes (youths and juniors), all applications, results, lists of athletes, clubs and data on them are filled in via an excel file. This type of tournament does not have a unified system for entering results and recording applications. Therefore, you have to resort to customization in the form of xml files.

Thus, we automate the process of loading data on tournaments, clubs, athletes, results and records through our internal system. By the way, the project was developed on the Symfony 5 framework.

Based on the results of the tournaments, the points were calculated both for the swimmers themselves and for the clubs. The developed functional for calculating records by season and age group of athletes based on their results.
Each club and athlete gets a personal page on the site for general access, where all information on participation in tournaments, results, number of points and records is displayed.