RadioPlayer Stage 1
The development of the RadioPlayer Belarus project began with a study of the requirements and needs of potential users, as well as an analysis of the competitive environment. The project team conducted research to find out which radio stations are the most popular among users in the Republic of Belarus, what technologies are used in the market and what features can be taken into account in the project.
Then Terms of Reference (ToR) were developed, which described functional and non-functional requirements for the project and defined the technology stack to be used in the project.

During the development of the ToR for the RadioPlayer Belarus project, key requirements for the functionality of the project were identified, and the technologies and tools to be used in its development were selected. An important task in creating the ToR is to define the objectives of the project and its main consumers.
A study of existing project counterparts was carried out and their features and advantages were identified. Based on this, the requirements for the functionality of the project were identified, such as the ability to listen to online radio, the availability of different genres of music, the ability to create personal playlists, etc.
Technical risks and possible problems that could arise during the development of the project were also assessed. As a result, key technologies that would be used to create the project were identified, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, vue.JS, Node.js, Symfony, Openapi and Flutter.

An important task in developing the TOR was to define the requirements for security and protection of user data, as the project involves working with sensitive information. The standards and methods of information security to be used in the development of the project were defined.
Thus, the creation of the ToR is an important stage in the development of the RadioPlayer Belarus project, which allowed defining the goals and requirements for the project, choosing the necessary technologies and tools, as well as defining the methods of information security and user data security.
Once the terms of reference for RadioPlayer Belarus had been developed, the Kanban methodology for introducing the project was chosen. This methodology allows a more efficient management of the development process, allowing more flexibility in changing priorities and tasks within the project.

The following stages of development have been highlighted:
- Development of the corporate identity and logo. In this phase of the project, work was carried out on a customer questionnaire and the creation of a wiseboard to identify the corporate identity and logo requirements.
- Development of a website with Personal Cabinet for radio stations with stream management capability based on Symfony framework and Vue.js. This stage involves development of an interface for managing streams, creating playlists and other functions that will be available to radio stations.
- System API development based on OpenAPI. This stage involves creating an API to be used for both website and mobile apps.
- Development of an Android and iOS mobile app based on Flutter. Mobile apps will allow users to listen to the radio and create playlists on their mobile devices.
- Android TV development based on Flutter, Tizen and WebOS based on JS. Development of a Smart TV radio app that will be compatible with Android TV, Tizen and WebOS is in progress at this stage.
- Android Auto and Car Play development based on Flutter. This phase involves the creation of applications for Android Auto and Car Play, which will allow users to listen to the radio and control project functions via control buttons on the steering wheel of the car.
Thus, the choice of Kanban methodology allowed for more efficient management of the RadioPlayer Belarus project development process, and the allocation of specific development stages allowed for a clearer definition of the tasks and objectives of each stage.

In order to create a unique and memorable image of the RadioPlayer Belarus brand, a corporate identity and logo were developed. This process began with a survey of the customer and the study of their wishes regarding the future logo and corporate identity. Next, Moodboards were created to present various colour options, fonts, styles and design elements that could be used in the creation of the logo and corporate identity.
Several logo designs were then developed and presented to the client. After discussion and approval of one of the options, additional elements of corporate identity, such as fonts, colours, graphic elements, etc. were developed. The result was a unique and memorable brand image of RadioPlayer Belarus, which was successfully used in the further development of the project.