Android app Local Market
It is always interesting for us to take on projects that have high prospects for a successful and long existence. And now we have taken part in the development of the Local Market project.
The project included the development of a mobile application with the following tasks:
- To connect already working entrepreneurs and future businessmen of the region into a single network.
- Create a channel for promoting local and regional goods and services.
- To enable anyone to get acquainted with the existing services and goods in the region and choose a more comfortable way to use them.

While studying the essence of the project and the tasks that it should perform, our experience prompted us to make a decision to develop not only a mobile application for the Android version but also a website as an auxiliary tool for attracting users and managing the project.

Local Market Android application is developed based on the Kotlin programming language. Static typing, which is used in this language, has helped to increase not only the speed of development but also the safety of the code.

The structure of a mobile application in part resembles the structure of a social network. Users can create their own account through which they can create offers and Interest cards. All moderation of created accounts and offers/interests undergoes double moderation: automatic (by the user himself) and manual (by the project administrator).

As part of the project, a catalogue of cards of interest (business proposals) has been developed, which group proposals into categories for easy search.
A few words about your personal account. In it, the registered user sees the statuses of his offers and needs. The statuses are highlighted depending on the verification of the created cards. The user can edit or delete each card depending on his needs.

The mobile application also has a section "Training and Resources" where you can find information about the possibilities of additional training offered by the customer.