Financial projects are our separate love. This time we will talk about the development of the website - an online investment platform. The client is VEB Technologies. Our task was to create a website that would structurally and informatively tell about the possibilities of investing in tokens, show their list and the necessary information for a purchase.

The algorithm is as follows: the user is registered and verified, replenishes the wallet, chooses an enterprise in which he wants to invest, and buys tokens. For beginners on the main page, there is a special section “Beginner's Guide”.
The header of the site contains a logo, buttons for authorization, registration and transition to sections. There is a creeping line under the header. It displays the names of the companies and the annual rates. If you scroll down the main page a little, you will see the platform statistics - they are pulled through the API. By the way, the site has three language versions. The main one is Russian-speaking, it is also English-speaking and Chinese.

One of the main blocks of the main page is “Tokens”. It displays a list of tokens with their brief characteristics. Click on the "All tokens" button and go to the page with tokens. Let's linger here a little. All tokens can be sorted into three categories: novelty, rate, and popularity. When you go to the page of a specific token, we see a logo, a block with information on top (next to it, you can click "More", there are links to frequently asked questions) and it is very convenient - a calculator! You can calculate the potential income with one click on the lock circle.
It is important to note that all information on tokens is updated by integrating the API system of the platform itself. But the management of the publication and correction of information on tokens is carried out through the site administration system. Also, the transfer of information via the API occurs when using the forms of registration, authorization (the user receives an authorization token) and multilingualism. Although the API system was developed by the Customer, our team of developers was fully involved in its integration.

Colour scheme of the site. Everything is pretty transparent here. Classic white and light grey blocks were chosen for the background. The header is designed in black. The site features light blue and green accents. These are the perfect colours for a finance-themed web project - light blue is associated with safety and professionalism and inspires trust, while the green light will help you decide to buy tokens.

By the rules of good form, the site is fully adapted for mobile devices, so users who want to log in through their smartphones will find a pleasant interface and easy navigation.